Friday, September 30, 2011

A film by the Israeli Soldiers while they are terrorizing, shooting, and murdering the Palestinian prisoners

A video by the Israeli Soldiers while they are terrorizing, shooting, and murdering the Palestinian prisoners, in this video Mohammad Ashqar, a Palestinian prisoner is shot in the head by the Israelis while they are laughing and taping this video -- watch till the end of this video.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Obama: America's 'first Jewish president'?

After the U.S. president's speech to the UN ...Obama is the "the first Jewish President". That's the title of New York magazine's lead article, written by John Heilemann and quoting a major Obama fundraiser. read more

Obama: America's 'first Jewish president

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Palestinian State Opposed By U.S.

Interesting speech about the Palestinian State on The Young Turks, the largest online news show in the world.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sabra and Shatila - The Massacre

There is another significant anniversary this week, one that is not attracting the same attention as the commemoration of 9/11..Sept. 16-17 1982, Sabra & Shatila. The world will not observe a minute of silence for the victims of Sabra & Shatila, nor will there be news coverage of the survivors & the unhappy life they lead on the scene of this horrible crime. Let's at least remember them by publishing this on.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Occupation 101

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge" - Stephen Hawking

Vote for Palestine

Join the world and vote for an independent Palestinian state, 912,632 have signed the petition. We reached 500,000 in 4 days! Help us get to our new target of 1,000,000.
Here is the link: Palestine: the world's next nation

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Palestine/Gaza: The Israeli Siege

Gaza under Israeli military siege since June 2007 to compel the Palestinian people to surrender. "THE LAST REMAINING SIEGE ON EARTH" !!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Deir Yassin - The Massacre

Deir Yassin a Palestinian village which was ethnically cleansed by Israelis during the military invasion of Palestine by the Israeli forces in 1948, still a witness of the horrible Israeli massacres .
Watch this documentary on YouTube: Deir Yassin - The Massacre

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Zionists & Self Defense Propaganda


Does the occupier "the invader" have the right of Self Defense !? Here in this short video, you can find how the Zionists control the media to change the truth.