Do you know ?!

  • Do you know that about 5 million Palestinians were expelled by the Israelis through an ethnic cleansing process as well as destruction and displacement of an unarmed nation, most of Palestinian refugees are living in bad conditions, and till now Israelis still denying their rights to return and live in their homeland Palestine.
  • Do you know that over 750,000 Palestinian prisoners (Men, Women, and Children) arrested by Israel since 1967.
  • Do you know that the oldest political prisoner in the world, who still spending the longest period in history in the prisons of the Israeli occupation is the Palestinian prisoner from Ramallah "Nael Al Barghouthi" who was arrested by the Israelis on 4-April-1978, and the second oldest prisoner in the world is the Palestinian prisoner "Fakhri Al Barghouthi" who is still being arrested by the Israelis since 23-June-1978.
  • Do you know that there is no definitive number on how many Palestinian prisoners are being held now by Israel. Using numbers provided by the Israeli government, the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem states that as of October 30, 2007, there were 8,718 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons or detention camps. On November 3, 2007, The Associated Press and Jerusalem Post put the number at more than 12,000.
    Of these prisoners, 317 are children under the age of 18 and 143 are women. Among the total number of prisoners are 433 Palestinians who were imprisoned prior to the signing of the Oslo Accords. They remain in prison despite the Accords' call for their release. The number also include members of the elected Palestinian Legislative Council.
  • Do you know that the last remaining military siege on Earth is the Israeli military siege on Gaza, with an area of 360 sq km, and a population of 1.5 million, Palestinian people in Gaza still suffering and no one or thing is allowed to in or out Gaza !!

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